Sunday, February 3, 2013

January Growth Chart.

 A few things have grown in this house in the first month of 2013. Some better than others....

  1. It's been a crazy competitive year for the family and their amaryliss game. My plant was named "irtsie" after my mother's nickname in high school. A name she didn't like so much. I don't know why, what a beauty this gal named Irtsie is.
  2. My goal for the year is to get in better shape. Like most of America. My bootcamp instructor, Jen has given us a challenge since November to complete a daily challenge above and beyond normal workout. I have nearly finished January, just a few squat jump presses to go. I think the Feb challenge needs to be lifting weights because my efforts in the gym don't seem to be dissolving the tummy at all!! What up? Don't say it. AGE...
  3. Our debt is about to grow in 2013 with a home remodel of the kitchen which leads to the family room which leads to the bathroom which leads to our master bedroom to house the washer and dryer which leads to our master bathroom#bankrupt! Stay tuned.
  4. Hannah has had a growth in knowledge this month. Finals ended well. ACT classes are in full force. She got a job and she has received her first two college inquiries!
  5. Elie grew in swimming this month, qualifiying in 3 events for state swim meet. 100 back, 200 back and 100 fly! She's going after 3 more this weekend. Go Elie:)
  6. Baby Katy. Not such a baby anymore. She recently took the ITBS tests in school.. my little one is pulling the wool over me.. she acts like she's young and helpless at home. My 3rd grader is reading like a 6th grader at school! And is advanced in every subject (and I still dress her for school in the morning:) 
  7. Hannah's car is growing old. A new ignition later, and we're good to go.
  8. Gut check. Still not shrinking. Afraid that a real diet is in our future.
  9. The month was really about organizing life and getting back to a routine after the holidays. Lots of drawers and closets to go through. Lots of appointments to I was so busy traveling to countries last year that I'm 18 months past due on visiting a dentist!!! crazy. Blink and life flies by.
  10. Cooking. I leave this for last. I have really hit the wall in this department. It's been really hard to go back to normal everyday. I have to think about meals free-hand. No country to guide me. It's funny, everyone thought is was so hard to go from country to country. It was actually easier because it gave me a rule to follow, a decision to be made. No wishy washy. Plus, when you're cooking with certain flavors, it's easier to share ingredients throughout the week vs. switching from bbq to italian to mexican.
So, cheers to the 1st month behind us. February is going to be fun. We are diving into the kitchen and home remodel pretty hard. Andy will be the demolition guy come March. Never a dull moment in the Gillaspey house. I just need to focus on this new person I am in the kitchen without a country to lean on....

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