I traveled to Cedar Rapids for a meeting. Therefore, I was proactive in getting the Caribbean Crock pot ready to go. And it was a success. The girls actually commented on how good it was. I served it with Cous Cous and Broccoli and carrots and realized my kids LOVE cooked carrots. Who remembers these things?
Meal gone bad. Not really bad but a lack of communication. I had a recipe to doctor up half the steaks in a caribbean rub and cook the potatoes in a caribbean manner but Andy jumped in and took over with his method of preparing the meal. He may have been feeling guilty for not helping in the kitchen since he's been painting our bathroom or something. It was random and too quick to stop. It was a moment that was better off me going with the flow. So our nearly caribbean meal was served. It still tasted wonderful.
A Fair to remember. No cooking.
Caribbean Pork BBQ Sandwiches. So delicious, using the leftover pork from Monday nights meal. No complaints. A thumbs up!
Tonight was NOT a blog gone bad, rather a Blog Too Good to share. Some of my favorite peeps in the whole wide world collided in our own life's journey to share fellowship and love for one another. The stars were aligned. It was simple. Short and forever in my heart.
Our Caribbean cuisine was Caribbean Burgers, spiced up with a Jerk Seasoning and served with a Ketchup Caribbean Island sauce mixture. We had pineapple which was supposed to be sliced in rings but ended up in wedges. Oh well. The flavors were still there. My sister, Deb added a chicken skewer to the mix, marinated in the Island Sauce.
So we really have dined in the Caribbean. Just not in a routine manner that we're used to. School starts next week so adjusted structure will soon follow. Meanwhile, it's my week choice for a country next week and I haven't a clue. Would welcome suggestions if you have any (that come with recipes:)
Life filled with Journey. Happy is.
Have you done Belgium? You and Andy could try a different beer every night...the girls would like homemade pommes (french fries) with ketchup or mayo...chocolates of course...sounds like a very healthy week of meals to me!! :)