I was craving something healthy and wanted to prepare Red Snapper, a fish wildly popular in Jamaica. 1st I had to find Red Snapper which wasn't an easy task. I went straight to the source, the Waterfront fish market, where I found it for only $21.95/lb....I nearly walked out of the market but decided to purchase 1 filet so we could say we had tried it. I then stopped at our local Dahls and sure enough, found the Red Snapper for only $12.95/lb. I picked up another filet and decided it was going to be a throw down to see if price matters.
Well it did... the Waterfront clearly won over the Dahls Red Snapper. You definately can tell the difference between fresh vs. frozen. Note to self, the old saying, "you get what you pay for" is true with fish. In addition to the fish, Andy whipped up a veggie hash with the leftover veggies earlier in the week. He seasoned them with the same Jerk spice and sauteed them on the stove. Outstanding.
The seasoning I made yields 5 tablespoons, I only needed one for the fish. So now we have our own spice seasoning to use again this summer. Very cool. Until I was searching for an empty jar to put it in and stumbled upon a series of spice seasonings from Penzy which included a Jerk spice! Don't you hate it when you find things in your house you didn't even know you had? It's like a treasure hunt. Our house clearly needs to be cleansed of extra clutter that was built up in the last 12 years. Summer project.
I'm off to my niece Kiley's Graduation from Des Moines University. So proud of our little Kiley Coo. I can't believe 4 years have gone by so quickly. Happy is.
Dry Jerk Seasoning
1 Tbl onion flakes
1 Tbl onion powder
2 tsp ground thyme
2 tsp salt
1 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp dried chives or green onions
Grilled Jerk Snapper
1 Tbl Dry Jerk Seasoning
Dash of hot pepper sauce
Red Snapper
Sweet Potatoes
Yellow Squash
Dice and season. Saute with a little olive oil on stove.
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